Workers' Participation in Gambling

The two concepts that dominated gambling history in the United States: the proletariats should be shielded from gambling, and gaming is tolerable - in some circumstances, but less likely in others.

In custom, both of these resulted as problematic. Workers continually have declined to be protected from gambling, and tolerating some gaming has made it hard to prohibit other games.

In American history, there have been good and bad times in gambling participation; followed by the boom era by reform movements to limit gaming. During these occasional changes, efforts to protect the working class from the urge of gambling remained constant.

Accounts of early Indian societies present that gambling played a major role in the lives of the early Native Americans. In New York, the Onondagas were famed gamblers who constantly wagered their possessions in dice sessions.

The Iroquois tribe, along with the Onondaga people, played the first dice referred to as Hubbub using peach pits with the side seared by fire.

In Rhode Island, the Narrangansett Indians and northwest's Chumash always gambled for days in affairs during which the possessions of all tribes might change hands. Eastern Indian people played a type of football with goals closely one mile apart.

During these competitions, huge amounts of wampum were gambled on the end, with a total abandon that astounded early explorers.

Now and again the Indians threw dice or gambled on the outcome of sporting affairs, the early efforts to colonize America were being supported by English lotteries.

Circa 1611, London's Virginia Company was in financial crisis because of the sudden high start-up costs of its plantation project located in Virginia.

Increasing debts, along with the colony's issues in materializing marketable exports, paved the directors to look for other funding schemes. Company authorities, boosted by the lotteries' success in Europe, campaigned and were issued a franchise from the Crown to address similar drawings in England.

Proceeds from the lotteries were distinguished for the Virginia Colony. Halfway 1612 and 1615, the Virginia Colony organized four raffles in London, dealing tickets by advertising that consumers of a lottery ticket were celebrating both God and country.

Moreover, the company pledged that a worthy enterprise would bring forth the cause of Christian truth, the nation's honor, and its benefits for the English people.

Also, company officials were exerting to publicize lottery sales in England, they were trying to keep track of gambling in Virginia. Answering reports that gaming, laziness, and vice were impetuous in the colony, the Virginia Company included antigambling laws into Jamestown's legal codes as the first.

Even though these codes were all in all ineffective in blocking the growth of gaming in Virginia, they showed a distinct perspective.
